Admins eHow SysAdmin Tips & Tricks

July 16, 2012

How to auth Squid by Radius through PAM in Debian

Filed under: Debian — Tags: , , , , , — admin @ 9:20 am

install libpam-radius-auth

apt-get install libpam-radius-auth

open /etc/pam_radius_auth.conf

nano /etc/pam_radius_auth.conf

and add the following lines into it. Your_IP and PORT are the IP address and Port of Radius sever. SecretKey is the Secret of radius server. 3 is the timeout in seconds.

# server[:port] shared_secret      timeout (s)
YOUR_IP:PORT SecretKey 3

Change the permissions :

chown root /etc/pam_radius_auth.conf
chmod +r /etc/pam_radius_auth.conf

create /etc/pam.d/squid :

nano /etc/pam.d/squid

and add the following lines :

auth sufficient
account sufficient

Now install Squid if you have not installed it yet :

apt-get install squid

Lets try and see if Squid PAM works successfully through Radius auth, run the following command and enter username and password with a space between them :

username password

OK means radius server has accepted the authentication details. ERR means there is a problem.
Now configure Squid to use pam_ath, open /etc/squid/squid.conf :

nano /etc/squid/squid.conf

Add the following lines to the begging of the file :

auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth
auth_param basic children 5
auth_param basic realm REALM
auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours

Add following line in acl section :

acl password proxy_auth REQUIRED

Add following line before http_access deny all :

http_access allow password

March 3, 2010

How to authenticate Apache 2 with Radius on Debian

Filed under: Apache,Debian,Security — Tags: , , , — admin @ 11:37 am

Install Apache radius module :

apt-get install libapache2-mod-auth-radius

enable radius module for Apache :

a2enmod auth_radius

open /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and add the following lines to end of file :

AddRadiusCookieValid 60

go to /var/www folder or the folder which you want to protect and create a .htaccess file inside it containing following lines :

AuthType Basic
AuthName "AdminseHow Radius Authentication"
AuthBasicAuthoritative Off
AuthBasicProvider radius
AuthRadiusAuthoritative on
AuthRadiusActive On
Require valid-user

restart Apache :

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

for more info regarding the configuration options , you can read the following link :

August 14, 2009

How to Auth pptpd with radius on debian

Filed under: Debian,General — Tags: , , — admin @ 12:54 pm

install libradiusclient-ng2 :

apt-get install libradiusclient-ng2

rename the folder :

 mv /etc/radiusclient-ng/ /etc/radiusclient/

create :

nano /etc/radiusclient/

and copy and paste the following text into it :

#       Microsoft's VSA's, from RFC 2548
#       $Id:,v 1.1 2002/03/06 13:23:09 dfs Exp $

VENDOR          Microsoft       311     Microsoft

ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP-Response        1       string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP-Error           2       string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP-CPW-1           3       string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP-CPW-2           4       string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP-LM-Enc-PW       5       string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP-NT-Enc-PW       6       string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-MPPE-Encryption-Policy 7     string  Microsoft
# This is referred to as both singular and plural in the RFC.
# Plural seems to make more sense.
ATTRIBUTE       MS-MPPE-Encryption-Type 8       string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-MPPE-Encryption-Types  8     string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-RAS-Vendor           9       integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP-Domain          10      string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP-Challenge       11      string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP-MPPE-Keys       12      string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-BAP-Usage            13      integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-Link-Utilization-Threshold 14 integer        Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-Link-Drop-Time-Limit 15      integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-MPPE-Send-Key        16      string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-MPPE-Recv-Key        17      string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-RAS-Version          18      string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-Old-ARAP-Password    19      string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-New-ARAP-Password    20      string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason 21     integer Microsoft

ATTRIBUTE       MS-Filter               22      string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-Acct-Auth-Type       23      integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-Acct-EAP-Type        24      integer Microsoft

ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP2-Response       25      string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP2-Success        26      string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-CHAP2-CPW            27      string  Microsoft

ATTRIBUTE       MS-Primary-DNS-Server   28      ipaddr  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-Secondary-DNS-Server 29      ipaddr  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-Primary-NBNS-Server  30      ipaddr  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE       MS-Secondary-NBNS-Server 31     ipaddr  Microsoft

#ATTRIBUTE      MS-ARAP-Challenge       33      string  Microsoft

#       Integer Translations

#       MS-BAP-Usage Values

VALUE           MS-BAP-Usage            Not-Allowed     0
VALUE           MS-BAP-Usage            Allowed         1
VALUE           MS-BAP-Usage            Required        2

#       MS-ARAP-Password-Change-Reason Values

VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason        Just-Change-Password            1
VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason        Expired-Password                2
VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason        Admin-Requires-Password-Change  3
VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason        Password-Too-Short              4

#       MS-Acct-Auth-Type Values

VALUE           MS-Acct-Auth-Type       PAP             1
VALUE           MS-Acct-Auth-Type       CHAP            2
VALUE           MS-Acct-Auth-Type       MS-CHAP-1       3
VALUE           MS-Acct-Auth-Type       MS-CHAP-2       4
VALUE           MS-Acct-Auth-Type       EAP             5

#       MS-Acct-EAP-Type Values

VALUE           MS-Acct-EAP-Type        MD5             4
VALUE           MS-Acct-EAP-Type        OTP             5
VALUE           MS-Acct-EAP-Type        Generic-Token-Card      6
VALUE           MS-Acct-EAP-Type        TLS             13

create port-id-map in case it doesnt exists :

echo "" > /etc/radiusclient/port-id-map

edit /etc/radiusclient/dictionary :

nano /etc/radiusclient/dictionary

and add the following lines to the end of it :

INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/dictionary.merit
INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/

edit /etc/radiusclient/radiusclient.conf :

nano /etc/radiusclient/radiusclient.conf

copy and paste the following text into it , dont forget to set your own authserver and acctserver:

auth_order      radius
login_tries     4
login_timeout   60
nologin         /etc/nologin
issue           /etc/radiusclient/issue
authserver      AUTH_Server_IP:PORT
acctserver      ACCT_Server_IP:PORT
servers         /etc/radiusclient/servers
dictionary      /etc/radiusclient/dictionary
login_radius    /usr/sbin/login.radius
seqfile         /var/run/radius.seq
mapfile         /etc/radiusclient/port-id-map
radius_timeout  10
radius_retries  3
login_local     /bin/login

edit /etc/radiusclient/servers :

nano /etc/radiusclient/servers

and add the following text into it , change Radius_Server_IP and SecretKey to your own settings :

Radius_Server_IP SecretKey

edit /etc/pptpd.conf :

nano /etc/pptpd.conf

and copy and paste the following text into it , change Server_IP , Remote_IP_From and Remote_IP_TO to your own settings :

option /etc/ppp/pptpd-options
localip Server_IP
remoteip Remote_IP_From-Remote_IP_TO
connections 200

edit /etc/ppp/pptpd-options :

nano /etc/ppp/pptpd-options

and copy and paste the following text into it :

name pptpd
mtu 1200
mru 1200
lcp-echo-failure 50

How to auth ssh users by radius in debian

Filed under: Debian,General — Tags: , , , — admin @ 11:57 am

install libpam-radius-auth

apt-get install libpam-radius-auth

open /etc/pam_radius_auth.conf

nano /etc/pam_radius_auth.conf

and add the following lines into it. Your_IP and PORT are the IP address and Port of Radius sever. SecretKey is the Secret of radius server. 3 is the timeout in seconds.

# server[:port] shared_secret      timeout (s)
YOUR_IP:PORT SecretKey 3

Change the permissions :

chown root /etc/pam_radius_auth.conf
chmod go-rwx /etc/pam_radius_auth.conf

open /etc/pam.d/common-auth :

nano /etc/pam.d/common-auth

and add the following lines :

auth sufficient

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