if you get the following error on debian :
-bash: GET: command not found
install the following package :
apt-get install libwww-perl
if you get the following error on debian :
-bash: GET: command not found
install the following package :
apt-get install libwww-perl
I’ve used this method to connect to a windows PPTP VPN server on PCLinuxOS 2010 , but I am sure it will work on other ditros too.
First make sure sure pptp-linux and ppp packages are installed on your client PC.
you may install them by yum or apt-get or package manager of your linux.
then use the following command to connect to VPN.
pppd pty "pptp IP_OR_FQDN_VPN_SERVER --nolaunchpppd" file /etc/ppp/options.pptp user USERNAME password PASSWORD
replace IP_OR_FQDN_VPN_SERVER with IP or DNS of your VPS server.
replace USERNAME with your VPN username.
replace PASSWORD with your VPN password.
wait for like 10-15 seconds , then run ifconfig command , you should see ppp0 interface there , if it is not there , you can troubleshoot by looking into syslog of your linux.
please note this command is good for connecting to a windows VPN server with default configuration , if you have any custom settings , you may need to edit /etc/ppp/options.pptp file.
to disconnect form VPN , use the following command :
killall pppd
if you need to route all of your traffic to VPN server ( use it as a gateway ) , do the following :
create a file named vpn-up in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d and put the following lines inside it :
#!/bin/bash H=`ps aux | grep 'pppd pty' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $14}'` DG=`route -n | grep UG | awk '{print $2}'` DEV=`route -n | grep UG | awk '{print $8}'` route add -host $H gw $DG dev $DEV route del default $DEV route add default dev ppp0
and make it executable by :
chmod +x vpn-up
create another file named vpn-down in /etc/ppp/ip-down.d and put the following lines inside it :
#!/bin/bash H=`route -n | grep UGH | awk '{print $1}'` DG=`route -n | grep UGH | awk '{print $2}'` DEV=`route -n | grep UGH | awk '{print $8}'` route del -host $H route add default gw $DG dev $DEV
and make it executable by :
chmod +x vpn-down
now reconnect to VPN , and your routing will be done automatically.
The following shell script shows current download and upload speeds for the network interface you choose.
Copy the shell script in a file named, i.e: net_speed.sh
Then after setting execution permissions:
chmod a+x net_speed.sh
You can run the shell script passing as the first argument the network interface you want to monitor:
./net_speed.sh eth0
You will get a line like that:
eth0 DOWN:15 KB/s UP:880 B/s
This script works parsing /proc/net/dev file and calculating the difference between current transmitted or received bytes and their values one second ago.
#!/bin/bash # This shell script shows the network speed, both received and transmitted. # Usage: net_speed.sh interface # e.g: net_speed.sh eth0 # Global variables interface=$1 received_bytes="" old_received_bytes="" transmitted_bytes="" old_transmitted_bytes="" # This function parses /proc/net/dev file searching for a line containing $interface data. # Within that line, the first and ninth numbers after ':' are respectively the received and transmited bytes. get_bytes() { line=$(cat /proc/net/dev | grep $interface | cut -d ':' -f 2 | awk '{print "received_bytes="$1, "transmitted_bytes="$9}') eval $line } # Function which calculates the speed using actual and old byte number. # Speed is shown in KByte per second when greater or equal than 1 KByte per second. # This function should be called each second. get_velocity() { value=$1 old_value=$2 let vel=$value-$old_value let velKB=$vel/1024 if [ $velKB != 0 ]; then echo -n "$velKB KB/s"; else echo -n "$vel B/s"; fi } # Gets initial values. get_bytes old_received_bytes=$received_bytes old_transmitted_bytes=$transmitted_bytes # Shows a message and waits for one second. echo "Starting..."; sleep 1; echo ""; # Main loop. It will repeat forever. while true; do # Get new transmitted and received byte number values. get_bytes # Calculates speeds. vel_recv=$(get_velocity $received_bytes $old_received_bytes) vel_trans=$(get_velocity $transmitted_bytes $old_transmitted_bytes) # Shows results in the console. echo -en "$interface DOWN:$vel_recv\tUP:$vel_trans\r" # Update old values to perform new calculations. old_received_bytes=$received_bytes old_transmitted_bytes=$transmitted_bytes # Waits one second. sleep 1; done
Source : Linux Clues
The find utility on linux allows you to pass in a bunch of interesting arguments, including one to execute another command on each file. We’ll use this in order to figure out what files are older than a certain number of days, and then use the rm command to delete them.
Command Syntax
find /path/to/files* -mtime +5 -exec rm {} \;
Note that there are spaces between rm, {}, and \;
or you can use the following command :
find /path/to/files* -mtime +5 | xargs rm -f
This should work on Ubuntu, Suse, Redhat, or pretty much any version of linux.
A very effective way for backing up your data on a Linux server is to set a cron job on your box to mail your data to your GMail account. GMail servers are very reliable and give you a huge amount of space for free. so they are pretty suitable for backing up sensitive data.
In order to accomplish this , first create a directory named “backup” in the root directory of your box :
cd / && mkdir backup
then you need to create a script to do the backup and mail it for you.
nano /usr/bin/backup
copy and paste the following into the file :
cd /backup rm -rf /backup/* cp LIST_OF_FILES . tar jcf backup.tar.bz2 * echo | mutt -a backup.tar.bz2 -s "my daily backup" -- adminsehow@gmail.com
you have to change LIST_OF_FILES string to the list of the files you want to be backed up separated by space , and change adminsehow@gmail.com to your own gmail account.
as you can see in the script we are compressing the data files to make them as small as possible.
also we are using “mutt” to send emails so you need to install it , in Debian you can install it by following command :
apt-get install mutt
make the script executable :
chmod +x /usr/bin/backup
lastly you need to set a cron job , so open the cron file by following command :
crontab -e
and copy and paste the following command into it :
0 0 * * * /usr/bin/backup
it will run your backup script once daily 🙂
also don’t forget you need to have a working smtp server on your Linux box.
First you need to install rdate package.
For Debian :
apt-get install rdate
For CentOS :
yum install rdate
After installing the rdate package , install a new cron job to be run daily to synchronize your machine time and date.
crontab -e
and enter the following line into the cron file :
0 0 * * * /usr/bin/rdate -s time-nw.nist.gov && /sbin/hwclock --systohc
You almost certainly have wget already. Try wget –help at the command line. If you get an error message, install wget with your Linux distribution’s package manager. Or fetch it from the official wget page and compile your own copy from source.
Once you have wget installed correctly, the command line to mirror a website is:
wget -m -k -K -E http://url/of/web/site
See man wget or wget –help | more for a detailed explanation of each option.
If this command seems to run forever, there may be parts of the site that generate an infinite series of different URLs. You can combat this in many ways, the simplest being to use the -l option to specify how many links “away” from the home page wget should travel. For instance, -l 3 will refuse to download pages more than three clicks away from the home page. You’ll have to experiment with different values for -l. Consult man wget for additional workarounds.
There are a few scripts available on net which allow you to change a linux user password from PHP. but all of them are very complex and hard to implement , so after some hours of work , I’ve written this PHP script 🙂 it is very simple , in order for this to work you need to allow your webserver to run sed command as root through sudoers , or allow your webserver to write on your /etc/shadow file.
$username='USERNAME'; $password='PASSWORD'; // New Password $sed='/bin/sed'; //Path to sed command $salt = substr($username, 0, 2); $pass_crypt = crypt($password, $salt); $pass_crypt=str_replace("/","\/",$pass_crypt); system($sed." -i 's/".$username.":[a-zA-z0-9/$\.]*/".$username.":".$pass_crypt."/g' /etc/shadow",$retval);
In order to check memory usage in Linux , there are several commands , but the most useful commands I have found are the following :
Check total memory usage :
# free -m total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 512 490 21 0 16 160 -/+ buffers/cache: 314 197 Swap: 1023 76 947
what you are looking for is in front of “-/+ buffers/cache:” , in above example Total memory is 512MB , Used memory is 314MB and Free memory is 197MB.
it also shows the usage of Swap which is 76MB from 1023MB Total.
Check detailed processes memory usage :
# ps aux | awk '{print $4"\t"$11}' | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print $2" "$1" "$3}' | sort -nr 10.0 1 (squid) 2.7 1 python 1.5 1 /usr/sbin/pdns_recursor 1.3 1 sshd: 1.3 1 /usr/sbin/apache2 .........
This command is a little complex , we dont want to go into the details of command. we are only interested in the output.
The First column shows the percent of memory which this process is using , second column shows the number of instances of the process and the third column is the name of process. in the above example , process “squid” is using 10% of my server memory and python is using 2.7% of memory.
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Remove comments and empty lines on linux using sed command